After mastectomy , delayed shock and depression

Hi, just want to talk and say I had a left side mastectomy at the end of March. Got the all clear, went back to work 5 weeks later. As my fitness was fine. Not addressed my emotional state. Alot of changes in work when I got back, so was stressed about that. Not cried once since diagnosis. So today I was arranging counselling,  after speaking to people in work, I got upset and finally cried when they hugged me.

So, mutually decided , I needed time out of work to get help. So this is what I'm going to do. So this is nearly 3 months after my operation, so presume this is delayed shock. 

Can anyone relate to this?

  • Hello Joannalm

    I'm sorry to hear about all that you've been through over the past few months. It's good to hear that physically your recovery has gone well and that no further treatment was needed. 

    I know that there are women here in the Cancer Chat forum who will be able to identify with the situation that you've described. You've been through the mill with diagnosis and surgery and I think that sometimes when treatment is relatively straightforward and swift it's easy to focus solely on that aspect of recovery and not perhaps so much on recognising the emotional and psychological impact that the diagnosis and treatment has. This can then lead to a sense of delayed shock as you've described. 

    I'm really glad to hear that your colleagues have been supportive and that alongside arranging some counselling support you're going to take some time to continue to work through things and heal. That's a really sensible plan. It's also worth speaking with your breast care nurse about how you're feeling. They will have talked with many, many women who have experienced these same thoughts and feelings and will be able to offer you some support and reassurance about your health. 

    As you've mentioned in your post you had a mastectomy and your fitness was fine again within 5 weeks, I'm presuming that you didn't have any reconstruction. If this is the case and you'd like to connect with other women who are in similar situations you might want to have a look at a charity called Flat Friends. They have a supportive group for women who are living without breast reconstruction. 

    Be kind to yourself Joannalm. Take the time you need to process all that you've been through and to continue to heal. 

    Sending you my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you for your reply. I will contact the breast care nurse as well. I am in talks with a consultant to have a reconstruction with an implant. Which will be after September sometime . No date yet. I am running Race for Life on 7th July with my two daughters.  It will be emotional,  as I've only just started to cry since my diagnosis.  So all my feelings are coming out, which I have blocked since February/March. 

  • Thank you for running Race for Life Joannalm. I can understand that it may be an emotional race for the 3 of you but I hope that you will find some healing in the process as well. 

    Keep in touch. We're here to listen and offer any support we can as you move forward with your journey. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator