At what point are we classed as cancer free

At what point is it we are classed as cancer free. Was diagnosed 11/08/23 with invasive lobular. Had two failed lumpectomy’s. Ended up with smx 14/2/24. I had full clearance aswell with first op.  I said no to chemo but my radiotherapy starts next Thursday and I’m hormone therapy for 5 years. Just wondered if we are ever classed cancer free? 
thank you for reply’s 

Kirsty :) 

  • I think often they won't say you are cancer-free because it's not always possible to be sure.

    I think if you have had full clearance, you could consider yourself cancer-free, but I don't think it's usually something a doctor or nurse will say to you.

  • My wife got told she will never be classed as cancer free, and she is what you'd considered as "cured" using inane media terminology. She will always be considered "no evidence of disease" if her scans and check ups remain clear.

    Her breast cancer had a high 2 year reoccurrence rate, but we're just passed that. So that was a massive milestone in her journey. Next milestone medically will be 5 years. But she's on hormone suppressants for the next 8 years. So after 5 years, it will be the 10 year mark. But she will never be considered truly cured. I think they stopped using the word cured because some people get reoccurrences even after 5 years, and it comes across as over promising.

  • I was told I had my cancer removed, but needed chemo for 2 years.  I am one year completed.  I am trying to get holiday insurance, but nobody will touch me with a barge pole!!!! I reckon once having cancer, you’re never free of it.  

  • Bless you hun xx

  • 5 years remission is regarded as cured

  • Hi Jaxmuir,

    Provided that your surgery has been successful and you have been in remission for 5 years, you are considered to be a cancer survivor.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • 5 years after treatment which may or may not include surgery. (I didnt have surgery just chemo) then enter remission

  • Thanks Jaxmur,

    You're right. I should have said surgery or treatment, although hormone treatment can now last for up to 10 years, yet after 5 years, they are considered in remission.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx