Hi, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in November 22, I had a bowel resection in January 23 and luckily needed no further treatment. I have CEA blood tests every 6months (which don’t really offer much reassurance as I didn’t have raised amounts, even when I did have cancer). I had my first year CT and colonoscopy, in February 24, and had the all clear. I assumed I would be having CTs and colonoscopies every year for the next 5years and then, every 5years forever. But was told at my last one, that my next wouldn’t be until year 3. This to me seems like a very long time to wait. And I’m terrified that something is gonna come back and Itl be another 2years until they find it. I know the percentages of this is small, but it’s just taking over my mind and I can’t stop thinking about it. Any advice on how to not drive myself mad? Thank you x