Kadi - recently diagnosed with DCIS. Not sure if I want my lymph nodes removed if it's not necessary

Hi, I’ve recently been diagnosed with DCIS and have chosen to have a single mastectomy. The surgeon is also going to remove a few lymph nodes from my armpit in order to check for invasive cancer.  Since my appointment, I have been reading about lymph node removal and the potential problems this can cause such as lymphoedema, infection etc. 

I’ve been informed that I can refuse to have the lymph nodes removed but may then need a further operation if the cells are not contained within the ducts.

I don’t want to have the lymph nodes removed if it’s not necessary but wonder if, apart from having a second operation, there’s a reason for agreeing to their removal?

Has anyone had any experience of this please?

It’s so difficult as I don’t want to make the wrong choice.

Thank you.

  • Hi Kadi and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    I'm sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with DCIS and that you have some concerns about the lymph node removal.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in this position will share their experiences and advice with you soon, but in the meantime, our team of cancer nurses may be able to address some of your questions, so if you'd like to have a chat with them, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to help.

    We're thinking of you Kadi and hope you're able to come to a decision about this soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Kadi

    I felt the complete opposite to you when I was diagnosed. I wanted to make sure nothing was overlooked and if that meant removing lymph nodes then so be it. In my case there were three reactive lymph nodes removed, thankfully all three were clear. I would have worried more if my lymph nodes were not removed and checked as its vital to know if cancer has spread. The chance lymphedema is nothing compared to cancer spread.

    Mines were removed 6 years ago and I have not had lymphedema.

    I do urge you to think carefully about your decision. 

  • Thank you very much for your advice. 

  • Kadi

    Hi kadi, I wasn't asked . I had biobsys in my breast and from under my arm when I was seen at the breast clinic in May 2020. 

    The biobsys came back and showed that cancer had also spread to my  lymph nodes  .

    So I was told id need lumpectomy and all my lymph nodes removed from under my right arm.

    If I was asked I'd definitely gone ahead and had them removed ,as just wanted the cancer cut out of me.

    Yes I did get a few problems  I had seromas develop under my armpit,that's where fluid builds up,I had it drained,it filled up again within a few weeks, it was drained again. Then I went on to develop very mild lymphedema in my right arm,hand wrist. 

    I went to my local hospital lymphedema clinic got measured  and fitted with a sleeve.  Didn't get on with the sleeve  ,so didn't bother wearing it. I googled how to do gentle excersises  and  do manually  sweeping  movements,along arm up to my shoulder,and across the top of my breast bone. That helped as well ,as when sitting down raising my arm up slightly on a cushion. 

    I didnt lift anything heavy  anymore as they tell you not too.

    The hospital doesn't run the lymphedema clinic anymore,but was told if I get any problems to see my gp,who would  refer me and sent me to the  nearest hospital that holds a lymphedema clinic.

    But now few years on, I  dont really have any problems with my lymphedema, in my right arm etc ,it was only very mild to start with,and my arm  hands and wrist don't really look any different from my left arm now ,you wouldn't know I have it .

    So I'd still have my lymph nodes out even if I'd have known  I'd develop the issues I did go on to develop.  We are all differnt and look at things  differently,.

    But only you can make that decision, I know you will make the right one for you.  Good luck .

  • Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s very helpful and good to know that things improved. 

  • Hi, so sorry you are going through this ! I had stage 1 breast cancer last year . To be honest I wasn’t given a choice . They just told me they were taking 2 or 3 lymph nodes (sentinel node biopsy ) to check if cancer has/ hadn’t  spread . My opinion is that this on only a good thing as you will then know what treatment you need . 7 months after my surgery there are no real issues . Good luck xx