4 months since I finished treatment and I'm exhausted. Has anyone else struggled with fatigue?

Hello, I’m just wondering if anyone can relate. It’s been four months since I finished chemotherapy, radiotherapy and brachytherapy which was given over 5 weeks. Thankfully I didn’t have too many side effects but currently going through the menopause and started HRT. I am really struggling with exhaustion. No matter how much sleep I get (sleeping for around 12 hours each night) I crave even more. Energy levels are zero. I’m due back at work this week, worried about how I’m going to manage. Has anyone else struggled with fatigue? Any advice would be much appreciated. 

  • Hello aggie1612,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with fatigue after completing your treatments.

    Many cancer survivors can relate to feeling exhausted during and after treatment and I hope some of them here on Cancer Chat will be here soon to share their stories with you.

    The other thing I wanted to mention is that we have a page in our website which covers fatigue and the ways it can be treated, in case you feel like having a read.

    It's important to listen to your body and prioritise self-care. Make sure to communicate with your doctors about your fatigue and any concerns about returning to work as they may be able to offer advice or adjustments to help you manage. 

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, i had a total hysterectomy and double oophorectomy coming up 2 year ago and the fatigue was terrible. I took HRT but it did nothing for me and i kept getting told to take more by my GP.

    To cut a long story short i now have breast cancer, possibly from the HRT so stopped it straight away. I felt so much better, had more energy and not so tired when I stopped it. I know not everyone is the same but this was my experience and I kept asking how I  knew if the HRT was doing was doing any good but kept getting told to take more.

    I hope your fatigue lessons soon x

  • Hello YMP, 

    Thank you for your reply and I’m so sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis. It’s so difficult knowing what to do for the best and weighing up the pros and cons of HRT. I hope you are doing as well as can be x

  • I had endometrial cancer and total hysterectomy end of 2021. No further treatment at that time and felt good fairly quickly after. August 2023 I had a recurrence in the omentum and had chemo until end of January 2024. All side effects gone, apart from extreme fatigue, which built up during the chemo but doesn’t seem to have gone much over the past 8 weeks. Finding it both frustrating and restricting, as my mind wants me to get back to normal but my body says no. I’m really trying to push myself and make lists of achievable things each day plus I’m at work full time again but any chance I get I need to sit down and/or sleep. Hoping it’s just a matter of time. Can’t have HRT due to the estrogen so interested too in how others cope. Good luck with your journey too x 

  • Hi Mousie888, thank you for your reply. It’s so frustrating, I can totally empathise with what you are going through. It’s a battle everyday, I can see everything around me that needs doing but just haven’t got the energy to do it. I hope things begin to improve for you soon x

  • Yes, but see your GP anyway as there may be an underlying physical problem caused by the chemo which needs treatment. 

  • Hi davek thank you for your reply and advice.