Long term chemo side effects (oxaliplatin, 5FU)

I had surgery and chemo for stage 3 colon cancer in 2011/2012 in my mid 30s. So thankful to still be here and had a few years of “normal”. But it appears that covid two years ago has triggered side effects of the chemo to return which my neurologist says are here to stay. Recurring episodes of extreme fatigue, dizziness and neuropathy. I’m wondering if anyone else has similar some years on from chemo and how they are coping. 

  • Hi Flowergirl24,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing difficulties with these effects and I hope you are getting on OK.

    My reply here will boost your post, meaning a few more people should see it, and so hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post soon.

    Hopefully your doctor has been able to advise on some ways to help ease these effects also.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello Flowergirl24,

                                        Oxaliplatin and neuropathy seem to be a double act, but at least it manages to evict the cancer. l had dreadful neuropathy in hands and feet over the last 2 chemo .rounds of 6. The hands eased back but it never left the feet, that was ten years ago but recently l have noticed burning sensations in the hands again. l get tired at times but this is countered by ambition, but thankfully no dizziness.

    How do l cope, very simple really, l am going forward and the neuropathy has no other option than to come with me, if it does not like it then it should not have stayed. .l remain very grateful to the chemo that reminds me that it gave me a second life after stage 4 bowel and liver cancer,
