Changed forever

Hi all

has anyone ever felt so alone post cancer? 
I had so much support from my family during my diagnosis and treatment but now they struggle if I bring up the emotions related with post cancer so much so that my daughter has moved out of home saying she cannot cope with all the emotions cancer brought with it and the fact it was all about me. I feel sad, angry and most of all she has broken my heart anyone has similar experiences? It’s like’s she has rejected me for something I could control and now I’m ok I don’t need her emotional support whereas I need it now more than ever!

  • Oops something I couldn’t control! 

  • Hi Dougal69,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with getting emotional support from those around you. I imagine this is something that others on here would relate to. It can be tough, as the difficulties for the individual continue after treatment has finished - there is still a lot to deal with emotionally and mentally, and as you say, the support from others continues to be really important.

    It's possible that loved ones also have some ongoing emotional difficulties with it, so perhaps their reactions may not be completely representative of how they feel. Either way, I hope you are able to connect with your daughter and others as before.

    You can also use other outlets for support as necessary. For example this forum can be helpful in terms of writing things down and reaching out to others. Or support networks offered from organisations such as Maggie's and Macmillan.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator