Annual checks and mood

Hi everyone.

I had my 2nd annual mammogram yesterday, left me in a lot of pain. Apart from that I was wondering if anyone else gets the blues when it comes to their checks?

Don't get me wrong I am so grateful that the cancer was detected, removed with a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. I know I am one of the lucky ones. I did have a rubbish time on the hormone blockers but am off those completely now. Why the low mood? 

Be good to hear how you feel when the annual checks come around.


  • I'm exactly the same, had my 2nd annual mammogram last Wednesday.   My anxiety goes through the roof and this year has been worse than last year.  I'm now waiting for the results. Had a letter after 3 days last year so of course in my head it's bad news this time as I've not heard anything and it's been a week now.  I don't sleep, I'm moody, irritable and scared stiff.  I also found it very painful this time, haven't done before - again making even more scared.  Why can't they just make you have a longer appointment and get the results there and then. I'm grateful every day to still be here of course and have treatment that was successful.  Anastrozole causes its own problems but I'll keep taking them.  Wishing you all the best with your results.

  • Thank you Fenjay. It's awful isn't it but good to know im not alone with this anxiety. Still in pain from mammogram had to call in work sick this morning its so sore.

    Fingers crossed that no news is good news for you.

    Thoughts are with you and thank you, so much, for taking time to respond  xx

  • Thank you Fenjay,

    Sorry you go through this but its good to know you're not alone with the anxiety.

    Still in so much pain from mammogram had to take time off sick!

    Thoughts are with you waiting for results but hopefully no news is good news

    Thank you, so much, for taking time to reply

  • Still not heard anything re my results but came home today to 3 identical letters detailing an oncology follow up appointment in April. Not only 3 copies but I'd already had an email of this letter last  Friday! As if my anxiety levels aren't high enough as it is! I work in admin myself but I've never known such a shambles as the NHS admin system :( 

    Hope you're feeling better today?

  • Hi Suehutz & Fenjay,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am glad to hear that you are both doing well after your surgery and I am sorry to hear that you both found your mammograms painful this time.

    I am 14 years down the line from 2 bouts of breast cancer, which were a year apart. Anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis is always afraid of recurrence. When your annual check up comes around, it is back to the unknown until you get your results. Most of us would agree that waiting for these, is one of the scariest times in our cancer journey. It is so much easier to deal with things once you know what you are facing. I have found that it does get a little easier as time goes on, but there is still a worry until you know that you're still ion remission.

    I sincerely hope that you both get the all clear again.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you.

    I keep telling myself I'm one of the lucky ones but there are times when I just don't feel it! I had cervical cancer many years ago ending with a hysterectomy but I never had this awful feeling. I suppose my mind was more focused on young children but now I'm living on my own?

    Thank you for sharing your feelings. I always know im never alone because of all you wonderful people out there xxxx

  • Oh you poor thing!!!! You must feel like you're living a nightmare!

    Hope you get those results pretty damn soon.

    My brother in law did some work for the NHS he told me some horror stories about their admin. I couldn't believe some of the things. I couldn't have wished for better treatment by the nurses etc but, yes, you are right about the admin.

    My pain is easing thanks still a bit tender, just wait patiently for the results now.

    Virtual hugs to you    xxx

  • Thank you for sharing your experience Jolamine.

    I dont know why I feel so anxious? I suppose being in pain doesn't help. I know I am one of the very lucky ones having had the cancer detected so early. I had cervical cancer many many years ago and never had this feeling of uncertainty. I suppose having young children around kept my mind occupied:).

    One of the great things is that I know, for sure, I am not alone. I just have to pick up my phone type a few words and you wonderful people out there are there. 

    What an amazing community to have around us.

    Thank you again xx

  • Hi Suehutz,

    You certainly never need to feel alone, now that you have found this site. Most of us have either had first hand experience of cancer or have cared for someone who has. I doubt that there is anything that you could say that would shock us, as we're all too familiar with the ups and downs of cancer. I am sorry to hear that you've also had cervical cancer. Perhaps you were too busy with your young family then, to have time for uncertainty? Now that you have more time on your hands, you begin to doubt things. 

    This is a fantastic community to have at our beck and call, so please feel free to join us.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx