Post treatment

Hi all

Started treatment Easter with upper right lobectomy then a break,then 3monts chemo,then a break then 6 weeks radiotherapy, now 2 weeks after treatment finished.This was being treated as curative (lung cancer), chemo wasn't nice but found highs & lows during treatment.Radiotherapy has been a different ball game.Getting into last couple of weeks of treatment & up till now I feel crap.Always tired, always cold & I have a hiatus hernia that  is really playing up.I felt chemo was going to be the worst & radiotherapy a walk in the park but nothing like it.Anyone had similar?

  • Hi ChippyJim,

    Sorry to hear you've not been feeling good with this. I wanted to send a reply as it will mean a few more people should see your post, so hopefully you'll get some more replies soon, particularly if others with similar experience see your post.

    Have a chat with your doctor about this too, if you haven't already, to see if there's anything they can suggest to ease things a little.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator