Wanted to give a quick encouragement to all those struggling with their cancer diagnosis I am 3 years down the line I went through my op just 3 days before lockdown began, spent 5 weeks in HDU as a precaution as the pandemic raged all around, to say I was fearfully is an understatement but the care I received from staff was exceptional given they where under extreme pressure as well as fear for family too.
Why AM I writing this, I want to be an encouragement to those who have understandably fear for the future after cancer well here I am attained my 70th birthday and never look back just keep looking to the future. I in my years have had three cancer ops the last was a big one called the Whimple procedure. I am a survivor because I think only positive thoughts and dismiss negative thoughts, I know that statistically the cancer will return but worrying about it will only drive me down, I do not want this to drive my life so if like me you have struggled with your diagnosis take a look at what is ahead as you cannot change what is to come or has past be positive enjoy the life you have and take every day as a blessing and be positive even when you are scared, trust me it is the best way forward and you will have a better way forward instead of worrying about something you cannot change nor control. I hope that this is in some small way helpful and I know what you are going through I have been there but there is light at the end of the tunnel just focus on that best wishes