
Hi everyone hope you’re doing great x

on 24/April/23 I had a colon resection,gallbladder ,and appendix removal in one operation. And I can honestly say I feel better now than I have for years not had any pain since around the fifth day after surgery. But I am as before the opp constipated 

my question to all is what do you do to combat the constipation I have been using Movicol to soften stool in an increasing amount. Do you have any tips for me please Thankyou Pauline 

  • Hi Pauline,

    It's good to hear you are feeling well aside from the difficulties you mention here.

    The best thing would be to give your doctor a call about this, or maybe speak to a pharmacist.

    If you would like to get any advice from one of our nurses, you are also welcome to post in the 'Ask the Nurses' section of this forum, to receive a reply from them. Otherwise you could give them a call on freephone 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5).

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi,

    This may seem an obvious question but has anyone offered you post-treatment dietary advice? 

    If you have chronic constipation it seems likely that you eithet have an underlying medical condition or, like most adults in the UK including me, need to adopt a healthier diet. 

    Either way, have a chat with your GP as it is obviously worrying you.

    Good luck


  • Thankyou for your reply and best wishes 

  • I hope you are well, I have not received any dietary advice but I am trying to eat healthy,my appetite is not yet as it was.I think a chat with a doctor who could possibly help me find a nutritionist would be a good idea. Thankyou for your reply Pauline

  • Hi Pauline,

    I’m fine thank you, I’m still in unexpected remission which is fantastic.

    The psychological impact of survival is often underestimated and follow up services seem few and far between. My appetite came back within months of chemo ending but I would imagine whipple surgery will have a physical impact too. 

    Please don’t suffer in silence - after surviving something so extreme, I know anything and everything else can seem minor but long term constipation isn’t normal and the remedy might be fairly simple. 

    All the best
