My partner is struggling

Hi, firstly I don't really write on forums, so I am am sorry in advance if this drags on a bit, I don't really know where else to turn to! 

I was diagnosed with a high Grade Sarcoma in my thigh, around this time last year, I won't go into details (happy to answer any questions though), but the long and short of it was I handled everythi ng really well, from the surgery to the radiotherapy (I was back at work 1 week after the surgery and worked all the way through RadioT) - the hospital were amazing & since last December I have been in remission. In fact personally, the hardest part was telling friends and family.

However my wife can't move on & is living in the past. We don't share a bed anymore(ive been kicked out into our 8 y/o's bed), she won't make any effort with me & says its because of what happened. She is having counselling but if I am honest, I don't think it's working. I can't talk to her about how I feel or question her - as it just turns into a slanging match. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or had got any advice? Mentally I am struggling more with this than being ill (although it is starting to play on my mind a lot more about what happened & how lucky I was)! 

Thanks for as a minimum letting me get this off my chest & any advice would be amazing. 

  • Hello Mariella_3sme

    I'm so sorry to hear about all that you've been through although it's great to know that you have recovered so well following your treatment and that your appointment in December showed you were in remission. 

    I know that we have had members here who have found that their relationship with their partner has deteriorated following their cancer diagnosis. I hope that some of those folks will stop by to share their stories with you and offer some advice and support. 

    Cancer really can put all sorts of pressures on loved ones and sometimes it does result in big changes within a relationship. I'm sorry that this has happened to you. 

    You mention in your post that your partner is already receiving counselling support. I wonder if you might find it helpful to have some support as well. It may help with some of the issues that you're dealing with at the moment. 

    If you're interested in counselling regarding your cancer diagnosis and treatment then I'd recommend getting in touch with your local Maggie's centre if you have one nearby. Alternatively, you can give them a call or speak to your nurse specialist about any services that may be available in your local area. 

    If you want to pursue some counselling support, either as an individual or as a couple, then get in touch with Relate. They offer quite a bit of information on their website that might be helpful along with a number of different types of support. 

    I do hope that you're both able to find the support you need to be able to move forwards. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • As a partner of someone who also went through extensive treatment, I can maybe sympathise with your wife to an extent. My wife handled the diagnosis, the treatment and other stuff like a champ. We have spoken about it, and she's still adamant that she was every bit as confident as she was showing outwardly.

    Me, not so much. During it all, i was fine because the wife was coping with it, and I was feeding off her attitude. Afterwards is a different story completely, for me once treatment had ceased, received good news etc etc. It began to mentally affect me once i had time to sit down and think it all through. Although I don't feel panicky whatsoever, i began to experience intermittent shortness of breath. I assumed it might be a heart issue so went to the docs pronto. Had ecg's, heart scans chest scans etc and all came back fine. So the cardiologist said it was panic attacks. But here's the thing, at no point was my heart racing. It felt fine. So I still don't totally buy into the clear bill of health thing, but the tests i had would have shown up an issue.

    Though, the panic attacks do make sense as I've come out of the last two years a changed person. No one, even partners. Regardless of what they think, comes out of a cancer diagnosis the same person they were before cancer even was a thing in their immediate life.  You hear all these ironman/women stories about how they are a stronger person for it, but I now know that isn't the case for everyone. I felt like *** if truth be told. I struggle and still have some struggles, but me and the wife still get on the same, so no issues on that front. I just feel different.

    As for you and your wife, you have 2 options, seek counselling and have some frank and truthful conversations and see if that works out, or walk away. The latter sounds harsh, but after the stuff you've faced in the recent past, do you really want to waste any more of your life stuck in a dead end relationship? Obviously the latter is extreme, but having had the "we get one life" thing shoved my my face, I plan to appreciate the life i have, and not waste it on trivial stuff or being stuck in an unhappy situation.