Looking for Ozzy T or Lana

Hi ozzy 

saw you sent me a message on private tried to message back it's blocked for some reason again 

just wanted you to no it's something not ok with our chat 

take care latraHeart

  • Hi Lara,

    I’m just posting a quick response to let you know that from tomorrow morning the Cancer Chat forum will be in read only mode while we carry out essential maintenance.

    This means that nobody will be able to reply to your post until the forum is back up and running on Wednesday.

    We wouldn’t like you to think that nobody cared enough to reply so I thought I would just let you know that you might have to wait a few days to get a response.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Steph 

    thsnk you for the info 

    Regards Lara 

  • Apologies for the delay in getting back to you about this Lara.

    The reason you've been unable to get in touch with Ozzyt is because a few weeks ago they asked for their account to be closed, so unfortunately they are no longer on the forum.

    This is also why you have not been able to see the message they sent you.

    I'm sorry you weren't able to say goodbye but I hope this information helps and puts your mind at ease.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator