Hi, when I had my vegas nerve removed, about a year ago an infected seroma developed that impacted on the scar tissue from my operation. The neck area was very delicate anyway from previous radiotherapy. I've been experiencing excrutiating painful spasms at night. It starts with a pain in my shoulder ( that's very out of shape because of tendons that are stretched and pulling ) that spreads into my inner ear and neck with acid reflux on top of everything. The pain is so bad, I think I'm dying. The episodes last from 1-2 hrs. I can go three or four nights with nothing to three or four with pain. No real pattern. I've spoken to my doctors at the hospital, and the suggest stretching excercises, and refer me to my GP. My GP basically says there is nothing he can see going on in my ear. I have a feeling it's the inner ear behind the ear drum. Another doctor said we have cured the cancer ( very, very grateful ) but the rest is something you'll have to live with and manage. I live alone now since I parted with my wife and it's so, so scary at night. I've tried all sorts of sleep positions and pillow variations, but to no avail. I was prescribed morphine for pain with my first round of tratment with radiotherapy, but I was hallucinating and very odd and didn't relly like taking it. I'm so grateful I'm cancer free, but boy, the price you pay !!
My basic question is ... does anybody out there have any identification with my symptoms, or experienced anything similar ?
Thank you,