Sore tongue


21 days since treatment ended, 30 radiotherapy and 2 Chemotherapy sessions. I can swollow and drink mainly water and milk as that's all I can taste. I can't eat yet.

My tongue pains most of the time, am on morphine but this doesn't help that much now. Is there anything I can do. It wakes me up most nights in fact I not had a full night sleep since treatment ended. Is there any end to all this.  Just want to be me again 




  • Hi Lynf, I'm really happy the Macmillan support line helped. A good cry always makes things better, too. Take care, Amy x

  • How are you lynf, ? I was wondering if you see a doctor regularly as your post from 19/5, said 21 days since completion of treatment . If your tongue continues to be sore & not eating much or getting fluids then get it looked at wouldn't want you to have an infection there. Look after yourself .pip

  • Hi Lynf

    Well done for getting through the first 3 weeks, I found that the most difficult time.

    I had 30 radiotherapy and 6 chemotherapy sessions for cancer to base of tongue and lumps in both sides of my neck. I finished treatment 12 weeks ago. 

    I had a PEG feeding tube fitted prior to treatment as I completely lost my swallow.  I am now trying to eat and drink, it's slow process.

    My consultant explained that waking up in the night in those first few weeks was normal especially if you have excess saliva and can't swallow. Just sleep when you can. 

    I took morphine and paracetamol via my tube before trying anything orally. I don't need pain relief now. I found the best thing for a sore tongue was banana blended in milk. Nothing too sweet or salty or acidic. Broccoli and Stilton soup worked for me as it was smooth and I could actually taste it! (Not too hot)

    I hope this helps. Stay strong and positive 

    MM x

  • Hi Pip

    Spoken to my cancer nurse and GP, told me pain is unfortunately what I have to go through. Am seeing GP on Wednesday so she can look at my tongue. I am drinking and swallowing now and had a weetabix this morning with warm milk.

    I feel my tonuge is rubbing on my teeth so thats why it it paying.  Will speak to GP on Tuesday as pain killers don't get rid of it all together. I will be glad when this is over never been so miserable to be honest. Yet I should count myself lucky 

    Lynf x

  • Hi MM

    How are you doing, are you eating and have you still got your peg feed. Does it ever get better.. .. told me its low process but I wish time would go fast as I am longing for a meal.  What foods have you managed am sick of the protein drinks now.

    Sorry to sound like a moaner 

    Take care 

    Lynf x

  • Good news, you are managing a little bit more. Thankyou for keeping me updated. Thinking of you ,hoping progress improves with every day. pip