Eliminate Odours In Ostomy Bags

Hi Everyone

I just wanted to share my experience of odour eliminators for ostomy bags.

I have an ileostomy which I have had for about 5 years. Problems with odours from the bag have been debilitating, especially when visiting friends and family.

I had great success with M9 but found the price prohibitive and could not find anything else until recently when I discovered a brand called Na'scent that you can get on Amazon. It works very well for me and is at a much more affordable price than M9. It has made such an appreciable difference to me, giving me confidence to get on with an active and normal life. I thought I would share it here because I know others may be interested or maybe they have other suggestions?

  • Hello Meadowsweet001 and a warm welcome to Cancer Chat, 

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I am glad you found a good solution to eliminate odours in ostomy bags as I can imagine this must have been a debilitating problem when out and about or visiting friends and family. 

    Your tips will no doubt be useful to other members of our community who are facing similar issues and would like to find a viable solution to their problem. I am glad you are now able to have an active and normal life. 

    This is an interesting thread for anyone wishing to discuss this problem and perhaps others will have other helpful suggestions based on their personal experiences of dealing with odours from ostomy bags. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator