post cancer treatment but still anxious

I had 2 surgeries for bowel cancer and am now clear. Last surgery was mid feb. Physically I have recovered well but I sometimes get a little light headed. Was tested for anaemia and its not that. I am feeling panicky at times and have started to think its anxiety. Has anyone else experienced this? If so how long might it last?

  • Hi. I had surgery for breast cancer 2nd February.  I'm going forward with my recovery but also feeling anxious.  Something I've never really felt before.  For me it's the worry it could come back.  I guess that's something that will always be in the back of our minds. 
    wanted to let you know that your not alone with these feelings xx 

  • Hi

    Thank you for replying.

    My worry is that the anxiety is causing a physical problem for me. I feel that I should be happy and feeling better but instead another physical thing has emerged which i think may be emotional/psychological. Im having sort of panic attacks. Are you having anything like that?

  • A little. I get very nervous about things. Sometimes I worry about what can happen and forget about what has happened. Ie. They got my cancer. It's like I keep telling myself. It's only been a few weeks. I'm still trying to take it all in.  You try to think of the future but it's hard to forget the past and your always wondering if the past will come back. I think I know how you feel   I want to be happy and celebrate but can't stop thinking about   What has happened to make me feel this way in the first place.
    I'm not sure if th is will help you as we all think differently.  But sometimes knowing how other that have been in similar circumstances feel can help.  That's why I joined this cancer forum. I find that I can say things to strangers that I couldn't say to family and friends xx 

  • Hiya Marshian,

    I had primary BC in 2021 and although I'm ok, it caused massive anxiety which I couldn't shake off. I struggled on for 4 months but feeling in a fright or flight state almost constantly was draining and I knew I needed help. I spoke to my GP who prescribed fluoxetine which is Prozac (sounds awful) and I take 20mg a day. It's been amazing for me, I'm so calm these days and feel happy again. I'm not sure I'd have got back to this without the help from medicine. Il got to 56 without taking anything but so glad I took action. See how you go but please speak to your GP if you need to, don't struggle on.

    I don't want to encourage anyone to take medication but for me, I feel like the sun has come out again.

    Take care 

    Jane xx


  • How are you feeling now? Xx 

  • Hi there

    Im ok, trying to work out how I can turn this anxiety off and not focus on fears so much. I find myself wondering what cancer does to our body and brain and how weird reactions occur after treatment. 

    Im better when distracted but thats not always possible. 

    How are you?

  • Hi. Not too bad thanks.   I have tried driving this week. First time since surgery.  It was good to get behind the wheel again. But have been feeling uncomfortable with sorness and pain since.   Having a quiet few days now.  I guess it just takes time to recover xxx