Diep reconstruction after masectomy

I have joined a Facebook group called Diep C reconstruction after masectomy.  It is a group in the US. I am having delayed reconstruction using my tummy fat Is there anyone on here that has had this op, would be good to hear. I am on the waiting list for the op but have had my pre assessment so could be anytime. The waiting is hard. The US group is so good, lots of ladies sharing experiences of this major op. Would be good to chat to anyone who has gone through Diep. 

  • Hello Silverdays

    I'm glad to hear that you've found a Facebook group for women having a DIEP reconstruction as I know you've been trying to connect with women here on Cancer Chat who have had this surgery. 

    I don't know if you're aware of the service but Breast Cancer Now offers a service called Someone Like Me and I wonder if that may be a way for you to be able to connect with someone who has had this surgery. It's worth having a look at the link above. 

    I hope this helps. 
    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator