After the dust starts to settle

Hi everyone.

I had my op/chemo/radiotherapy for testicular cancer earlier last year.

During my treatment my elderly Dad passed away from bladder cancer.

10 months down the line, my treatment has been successful, but I've recently been hit badly with the emotional reality of the past year and a bit.

Not content with fatigue and brain fog, I've now got reactive depression and anxiety. 

I'm wondering  if anyone else has had a similar experience and what helped.

Thanks a lot.... Stay well. Rob. 



  • Hi Rob

    not surprised you are feeling down , the whole journey is a rollercoaster of emotions and to have had your Dad pass away in the middle of it all! My recovery after surgery, chemo and radiotherapy was in the middle of the pandemic. I remember being taken back to hospital with neutropenia and being the only one in a whole ward of empty beds and no visitors! But a nurse said to me ' you chemo patients are like our babies we have to look after you' and I'll never forget those kind words.  So little things get you through and I'm sure the fog and fatigue will pass and you will start feeling you have yourself back soon. It takes a while. 

    Take it easy 




  • Thanks for that Silver, stay well... Rob