Lacking motivation since finishing treatment. Is this normal

Hello. This is my first time posting on here. Just a brief background....I was diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2022, everything has happened so fast, I had an operation in December 2022. Luckily, I did not need chemotherapy and have finished radiotherapy this week. I am hoping to go back to work in May but cannot seem to get my head around anything from getting dressed to getting fit! I should be sooo happy but am not quite feeling this normal? Xxx

  • Hello Sparks30, 

    A warm welcome to Cancer Chat. You've been through so much in the last few months and as you said, it all happened so fast, was so intense and you've only just finished radiotherapy this week so you probably just need a little bit of time to recharge your batteries and rebuild your life post treatment. 

    It's good you don't have to go back to work until May but it's important to try and still have a routine and some nice activities until then if you can, anything that will help you feel good again. I think it may just be that it takes a little time after this intense period of treatments, of focusing on that exclusively. It's normal that you now feel a little bit lost and find it hard to get your head around doing even simple tasks but don't be hard on yourself. It may be that you just need of a few days of readjustment. 

    Many people on the forum who have come the other end of treatment have mentioned feeling this way and I hope that you will hear from them soon and they will tell you more about what their life was like once they finished treatment and how they felt. If you see that this feeling persists and that you are not feeling your normal self, that this feeling of lethargy carries on, I would advise you talk to your GP about it as they will be able to help you I am sure and will have seen patients before who felt just like you after finishing treatment. 

    As mentioned in our page on depression and cancer, it is not uncommon to feel a bit depressed shortly after finishing treament and it suggests that "it might be that at the time, you put so much effort into getting over the diagnosis and getting through the treatment that you don’t always have a chance to think about it all. It isn't until everything is over that it hits you." 

    So if you suspect you are feeling a bit depressed, don't hesitate to talk to your GP about it. You've done really well getting through all this, the worst is now behind you and I hope you have nice friends and support around you to help you regain your energy and enthusiasm. 

    We're all here for you anytime you need to talk!

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • OMG I just posted almost the same!!!

    I feel so lost and confused, I should be happy but I can't seem to move on

    my life seems so different 

    ( I had surgery, chemo & radio but outlook is positive for me ) 

  • Sparks 

    i had BC in 22 finished radiotherapy early nov I think what you are feeling is the tiredness from that , trust me it don't last long by December I was back to my normal self and feel amazing now are you taking the hormone tablet as this takes a month or so before you feel yourself please don't feel down I'm back to being busier than before .

    hood luck love Lara ️

  • Hello

    Thank you for replying.

    I like you, I have had radiotherapy and have a positive outlook but this does not change how I feel. I just cannot see to change my mindset 


  • Hello Lara

    Thank you for replying.

    I am taking Tamoxifen . Thank you for your positive post, it does give me hope that the gs will change and I will start feeling g different 



  • Hi there.

    This sounds very like my experience of cancer recovery.

    I was off work 11 months having / recovering from treatment and going back has been very challenging.

    I think we forget just how much emotional impact that this all has on us. I guess your recovery will take time, just go gently and be kind to yourself.

    For me, I've realised work isn't that important in the scheme of things. It's a life changing experience, perhaps there is a gift to be found amongst it all? 

    Presently, I have reactive depression, I'm sure it's my body's way of saying.... slow down, rebuild and take care.

    Good luck with your recovery... Rob. 

  • Hi.

    There is a lot of loss going through cancer treatment in my experience. Perhaps you are (as I am) mourning that loss?

    Go gently... Rob


  • Thank you for replying.

    I think I maybe am mourning a life I used to have . I realise im one of the lucky ones, but it's always going to be elephant in the room( or my head... ?)

    But hey .... life goes on and I guess we just have to embrace a new life 

    Take care ️

  • Yeah that makes sense. I'd suggest that mourning for what you had is all part of a process. We can still be grateful for the results of our treatment whilst acknowledging what we no longer have. Both are equally as important.

    Take care. Rob