My mum passed away last year in May, she was my only family throughout my life since we both moved to London away from my dad and brothers. However we would take turns to visit etc.
When she got diagnosed with terminal cancer, I was the only next of kin and was with her when she passed away and then had to plan funeral and do the admin while my dad and brothers didn't even attempt to help. Their excuse was you know what to do.
Throughout all of this I felt alone but what's become apparent my mum was the family holder between all of us. The glue.
One my brother's I lost contact with as he blames me for my mum's death and thinks I could have done more. My dad was around my whole live but we never actually have full conversation and I find myself contacting him every 2 weeks for a quick phone call since my mum passed but he doesn't actually check in on me.
It's only my oldest brother who really stays in touch with me and makes the effort to visit or makes time when I visit home.
I am the youngest in the family but feel very much like I have had to hold up on my own, as always.
Any else's family dynamics drastically changed for the worse.