2 years after bowel cancer, still havin issues. Anyone else?

2 years after bowel cancer and 18 months after stoma reversal I am still having major issues with constipation and a continuing urge in wanting to go to the toilet. Has anyone else had this experience ?


  • Hello TCMC,

                         sorry to tell you that at eighteen months post reversal l could do multiple sittings of upto 15 times per visit,with 3-4 visits per day. l am now 5 years post reversal and although the curve has flattened off l still typically cycle over ten days from an explosive day subsiding back into more normal. Even so my evening visit would normally take 3-4 sittings to clear my bowel.

    l put it down a constricted passage at the exit of the storage pouch which having been formed after the original was removed,.Its likely the pouch is smaller so holds less, and any bowel movement irritates scar tissue leading to urges.

       At any rate any hope of returning to previous normality is wishful thinking since the surgery completely altered how all the components of the bowel system interact with each other.On the days when my stools are normal in composition, albeit of smaller girth l muse why if l can do it some days does it not continue on others, but thats not likely now. Like a well practised flighty lady, my bowel is just plain tempremental.

      l do have control so thats a blessing, and in my bad episodes it will inflame and bleed, but if you asked me to choose between what was an 18 month unhealing bloody stoma and what l have now, l will tell you that l am a happy boy, perfection for me was close to birth, its been downhill since but thats what living a life gets you, so l crack on and make the most of it.

    From my experience l would say you are not alone in this, but thankfully for me l suffer the very opposite of constipation,

    The one lesson l was already well aware of due to a close association with animal health is do not muck around with the bowel,it will never ever thank you for doing so.

    Having approached the bottom of this subject (sorry ) sadly l have done little to alleviate your problem other than to confirm that although you are unique, your rearend is not,

                                                              take care,


  • Yeah it's called tenesmus, it's horrible , you think you need to go but nothing happens when you get there, mine went on for days ,it went ,,, eventually, good luck 

  • Hi David

    thankyou for the response  it did make me laugh even though it's not a laughing matter. I need to accept this is the new norm although I find it extremely trying. never a day goes by when I can say it was a good one  but then every day is a good one  

    As you say we are not alone in this 








  • Thankyou for your response. 
    this has been going on for months but it's reassuring to know it can go