In Dec of 2019 I was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma, I had Avdb treatment for six months from Feb-sept 2020. About six months later I had signs it had returned but no-one believed me.
In March 2021 I got the old rash back and had begun to feel very tired, asked my consultant who said it wouldnt be the cancer back. I kept on insisting so in the August was offered a CT scan to put my mind to rest, but in the December I finally got the had returned. My general health by then was bad along with a long chest infection which meant I couldnt start chemo until late January. Following that I had to have another chemo staying in hospital overnight before having stem cells removed. In May 2022 I was admitted to hospital for 3 weeks in isolation for intensive chemo then a stemcell transplant.
I have never had a scan since 2021 and terrified it hasnt worked, I feel depressed, extremely fatigued, my bones hurt, tearful, unable to focus on doing anything, concentrate, or go out. I havent been out for two years or more. I feel isolated and lonely even though I live with my family. They do understand but I don't talk about it much as I don't want them to think I am moaning.I
How do we get over all this, I thought by now I would be healthy and back out but it seems so hard to be grateful to be alive! How long before I feel well again?