Life after cancer

In Dec of 2019 I was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma, I had Avdb treatment for six months from Feb-sept 2020. About six months later I had signs it had returned but no-one believed me.

In March 2021 I got the old rash back and had begun to feel very tired, asked my consultant who said it wouldnt be the cancer back. I kept on insisting so in the August was offered a CT scan to put my mind to rest, but in the December I finally got the had returned. My general health by then was bad along with a long chest infection which meant I couldnt start chemo until late January.  Following that I had to have another chemo staying in hospital overnight before having stem cells removed. In May 2022 I was admitted to hospital for 3 weeks in isolation for intensive chemo then a stemcell transplant.

I have never had a scan since 2021 and terrified it hasnt worked, I feel depressed, extremely fatigued, my bones hurt, tearful, unable to focus on doing anything, concentrate, or go out. I havent been out for two years or more. I feel isolated and lonely even though I live with my family. They do understand but I don't talk about it much as I don't want them to think I am moaning.I

How do we get over all this, I thought by now I would be healthy and back out but it seems so hard to be grateful to be alive! How long before I feel well again?

  • Hi Rosie6-2,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear of what you've been through - it sounds like a lot to deal with.

    In terms of questions about your health and any symptoms or difficulties you may be experiencing, it will only be your doctor or medical team who can advise on this. So do speak to them if you have concerns about any of this.

    In terms of general help for moving on, you may find it helpful to have a look at Macmillan, who have various resources and a helpline where you can chat to someone and get some support.

    Hopefully this forum can also be an outlet for you. It is a good place to write things down and to reach out to others, and I hope that by doing this you can gain further support and confidence from others.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator