Stoma reversal recovery

Hi x I had a stoma reversal 3 weeks ago after waiting 18 months...due to bowel cancer.

Operation went really well ..healing very quickly...bonus... BUT ...going to the toilet.. which is quite often 24/ still sooooo painful there an ending to the pain approaching soon as I don't feel I can cope much longer...and starting to wish I hadn't had the reversal... 




  • Hello treethorpe2010,

                                        l know the feeling all too well, having "enjoyed" the last 7 years of a rollercoaster ride.The answer is yes it does improve over time, as does your ability to accept and cope with it.

    At three weeks you are still at the start of the journey, and your expectation level reads like its heading for desperation. All this will do is increase your stress levels and make matters worse, so best to get your head around the idea that recovery can be very gradual over months rather than weeks, and see every slight improvement as a step forward in the right direction.

    l had a stoma that refused to heal and spent 18months trying to attach bags to raw bleeding skin,repeating the cycle at every bag change, so for me l started my reversal used to existing at a very low expectation threshold, but this said the bowel movement frequency in the first two years was on an epic scale that saw me left raw and bleeding.Eventually l discovered loperimide and colestrymine which l am still on today. l lost my gallbladder which was removed with a large amount of my liver, and unfortunately am left with limited control over excess bile production which irritates my bowel. 

    Fortunately in your case this is not an issue, so l would expect your recovery to be a lot easier and quicker, just perhaps not as quickly as you currently hope, .patience and perseverance is the key as is adjusting your life for a while, which is never as long looking back, as it seems when you are fighting in the trenches as it were.

    Remember you are talking about a bowel function that evolved over years from when you were born, and you have just had a chunk of a very sophisticated and intricately linked system removed and then laid dormant for a year and a half. Not only does it have to awaken, but it also needs to work out the new connections and adapt

    Relax and remind yourself you are on a journey to a better place,
