Food challenging

Hi everyone. I'm hoping someone can help with my food problem. Nearly 2 yrs since my bowel cancer op and I've got a colostomy with a hernia. I don't have any foods that can make output loose but drill loose so 5 mths ago I went onto dairy free and still loose. My diet consists of toast in the morning  crisps and a ham sandwich at lunch followed by skinless sausage sandwich at tea and that's it . I only drink water. I'm also on dyalasis so that even restricts my diet. I'm totally frustrated with it and when I go to dyalasis I take a loperamide so I don't suffer the embarrassing leak. As any one got any ideas what could be wrong.  Thanks

  • Hi Foxrobbie,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. It sounds like this would be best discussed with your doctor/specialist, if you haven't already. They will be best placed to advise and it's of course important that you can ask any questions to understand the situation as best as possible.

    You are also welcome to give our nurses a call if you'd like to talk things through. You can reach them on 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5).

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello Foxrobbie,

                              7 years on from my bowel cancer op and my bowel still has its moments, Trying to figure out what foods trigger it is like the chicken and egg issue, you cannot point the finger to anything, other than accept your new bowel does not work like the original and it plays to its own cycle.

     That being said l assume your sausages are pork, and so is your ham, both of which l assume are not natural but processed manufactured. l managed large scale pig breeding operations and at one unit the hunt collected our fallen stock along with all the neighbouring farms. On talking to the hunt staff, learnt that although we by far and away provided the largest quantity of carcasses, none of it was cooked and fed to the hounds,and instead went to the renderers ffor blood and bonemeal.

    The reason,pork goes through the dogs system like a dose of salts and gives them the runs something wicked.and too much will bave pretty much the same effect on humans.So if you are on pork daily,try switching in some other meats like chicken.

    l had my colostomy reversed and spent nearly five years of explosive activity before it finally decided to rejoin decent society,and thank goodness l now have control over urgency. l still have flares, loose stools, multiple visits, and wind, but this is now at either end of my day, leaving me clear to crack on with things.My bowel has decided over the last 6-8 months to go to sleep and wake up when l do which is great, and its functions are still evolving for the good after all these years, so in comparison you are a relative newcomer.

    The overriding lesson l have learned is that the bowel and its functions are complicatingly interlinked, change one thing as an improvement and it knocks the whole interlinked sequence chain out of kilter and it starts all over again , but gradually it does move forward.

     Good luck and hope you can to,


  • Hi, maybe it would be worth discussing your diet with a dietician, I am finding them very helpful at the moment, as I am struggling too, good luck x