Squamous cell cancer. Prophylaxis after

Hi  everyone. I would like to know the opinions of those who have experience with regencorr. I am just starting to use the cream, but after reading the instructions three times I still have not found the answers to a couple of important and basic questions for me. Firstly, I had a squamous cell cancer treatment a month and a half ago, several tumours, surgical removal on my face and radiation on my head, scalp area. I use the cream as a prophylactic, but the skin area on my head has not healed very well. I have had bacterial infections and treatment with antibiotics.  The instructions for use of regencorr mention that it can also be used after radiotherapy but there is no mention of poorly healing scars. So the question is, can I use the cream under these circumstances and still have to use the antibiotic ointment?                              I have several small areas of skin with actinic keratosis. A couple of them have severe inflammation, cracking and bruising. Can I apply cream with severe skin inflammation and cracking?  Should I allow or avoid applying regencorr cream to bleeding, ulcerated skin areas or apply the cream around them?

  • Hi Lanlan, 

    Your specialist cancer team will be in the best position to answer your questions about the cream, so if you haven't had the chance to do so yet, do try and get in touch with them to find out whether this is safe for you to use. 

    Hopefully some of our members who have experience using regencorr will share their experiences and advice with you soon as well but if you'd like to have a quick chat with one of our cancer nurses about this, you can contact them on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Lanlan. As far as I know, regencorr not just can but should be applied to such areas of skin, regardless of the cracks in the skin. When I had basal cancer removed, three tumours, so I started applying cream to all the sutures and scars after a week. I applied the cream both on and around the scar, which is often recommended. And the fact that your scar doesn't heal after radiotherapy is a common problem. If I were you, I would add regencorr cream to the ointment containing the antibiotic and mix and treat the skin area that has been exposed.  Note, when cancer patients are given chemotherapy, they may be injected with immune boosting drugs at the same time.  I remember that even my husband, when he was on antibiotics, the doctor prescribed restorative probiotics at the same time.   Have you taken any medicines during the last year, which are marked as prohibited in the instructions, for those who have a history of skin cancer? Like blood pressure lowering drugs? By the way, don't forget, antibiotics are particularly highlighted there.

  • Hi. My doctor's words are upsetting me. He says that if the area of skin that has been irradiated doesn't heal, I will have to have surgery. My doctor says that I have a poor immune system and therefore the skin at the site of the irradiation is not healing. I have tried to apply regencorr to the ulcers and dab the cracks in the skin. The observation is that for some time the skin itched, the sores became slightly inflamed, swollen and very red. Three hours later, the inflammation subsided.  About the antibiotics, I remember. The instructions for regencorr lists many medicines that can increase the likelihood of sunburn, but I still don't know if all these medicines are strictly prohibited, or if their use should just be reduced, or to find alternatives? It is interesting that I am using antibiotics in two forms, tablets and ointment. The note on the tablets says that their use increases the sensitivity to the sun, but I have not found any such warning in the ointment's instructions. Do you think that if I mix regencorr into the antibiotic ointment at a concentration of 1:3 it will be enough?

  • What your doctor is saying is strange. What does your basic immunity and the inability of your skin, after radiation, to resist the bacteria have to do with it. Anyone can have normal immunity, but after radiotherapy and irradiation of an area of skin, that area of skin will have all of its immune cells killed. And that area of skin becomes problematic and takes quite a long time to recover. This is one of the reasons why I refused radiotherapy.  Which products and drugs are more dangerous for us, which ones are less so, now in various communities they have started discussing, we need to keep track.

    On the one hand, in my opinion, the ointment and antibiotic cream should be mixed in equal proportions, BUT the antibiotic concentration should not be lowered either. Maybe you should try 1:1 but add antibiotic powder, to increase the concentration, for example ceftriaxone powder. Two antibiotics are better than one in one mixture + regencorr. My husband always said that infections should be treated with two or three antibiotics in case one of them is resistant.

  • Your doctor is very passive in his actions. it is better not to waste time and go to other doctors, and as soon as possible. Regencorr is an immune stimulating cream, and antibiotics suppress immunity. I myself have heard from doctors that a course of antibiotics is actually a course of chemotherapy, after which you need to restore immunity. Maybe then it is better to mix regencorr with antibiotics, and at the same time, apply alternately or somehow apply in layers, for example in the center of the pus wound apply antibiotic ointment, and lubricate the edges with regencorr cream. In addition, the ointment is usually much denser than the cream, the more it will be denser than regencorr cream, and this can make it difficult to absorb the cream. Strengthening the effect of the antibiotic ointment by adding ceftriaxone powder is a good idea.

  • Yes, I didn't notice the doctor's effort to help either. Moreover, when I went to see the doctor a week after the radiotherapy I told him that I had a purulent inflammation on my skin and he said that an infectious inflammation was no longer his area of expertise and that he would refer me to another doctor. Seeing my bewilderment he prescribed me an antibiotic. Redss advice helped me a lot. I am now using antibiotics with regencorr cream at the same time. The wound that was irradiated with radiotherapy has stopped festering. But, the problem for me now is, can I stop using antibiotics now and switch to prophylactic use of regencorr only and when it can be done? Because visually it is difficult for me to assess the condition of the skin on my head myself, and my doctor last consulted me only over the phone. And if I look for another doctor now, it's a bit of a challenge right now.

  • In my opinion, you should use the ointment and cream for at least five or seven days, maybe longer in your case. I am concerned about what the instructions for use for regencorr say. It says to use with caution or avoid blood pressure lowering drugs, arrhythmia reducing drugs, look for alternatives because they can cause sunburn. I take both, the more so the amiodarone drug in general is accentuated and bracketed. My husband also takes remedies for high blood pressure. My husband and I are planning to travel and I decided to talk to my doctor to find me a safer non increasing sun sensitivity high blood pressure medication. The doctor told me that almost all medicines for high blood pressure can increase sun sensitivity and that he didn't know what to recommend. I have been taking lisinopril for a long time for my high blood pressure. I'm wondering if, instead of looking for an alternative medicine, I should just use a thick layer of sunscreen. Would that solve the problem of photosensitivity?

  • Finding an alternative medicine is not an easy task. Note that the instructions for regencorr mention hypotensive agents, but without any specifics. My father has been taking moxipril, losartan for many years and I don't recall him getting any noticeable sunburn.  But it's been badly written about amiodarone and it's a drug with lots of side effects and can definitely cause sunburn, so you need to change it to something safer. You need to find an experienced doctor.                                                                                                                                           I have a question too. I have been treated for scc on my lip and basal cancer on my nose. All removed. I'm just starting a preventative regencorr course. My concern is when I apply the cream on my lip, what could be the reaction if the cream gets in my mouth, while sleeping for example? Is it not dangerous?


    redss is right, one week is enough to see if the combination of antibiotics with regencorr cream is worth it or not. How is the skin on your head?

  • I read about moexipril, losartan and it is written that its can also increase photosensitivity, but I understand that we should not be too afraid of them, as this group of drugs does not cause terrible sunburns. As for amiodarone, I will ask my doctor to prescribe me another medicine.                                 In general I had several tumors on my face. My doctor once told me that I was in a high risk group for recurrence and new tumors, because I have the first type of skin, and I had more than 3 tumors on my face. So I apply regencorr as a prophylactic to small eyelid and nose scars. I also add a little regencorr to my regular day cream, mix it up and apply it all over my face. I have gotten the cream on my lips more than once, and I have not noticed any negative reaction.