Surgery for breast damage post radiotherapy

I have a lot of tissue damage post radiotherapy to my cancerous breast and lymoh nodes removal which means the work on reconstruction, expander and DIEP flap has been pretty unsuccessful because the skin has puckered up in the upper half of my breast and underarm meaning there is a 5 cm difference in the droop of my breats, even though the other breast was also operated on at the same time to try and create symmetry and in the volume of the breast, making the difference between to two breasts seem even worse. Has anyone else had the same problem and found any workable solutions, in this country or overseas, private or NHS (preferred)

This journey started 5 1/2 years ago and it feels like time is slipping by, with little or no prospect of a better outcome so any suggestions or referrals would be much apprecaited.

  • Hello Parties2go

    I'm so sorry to hear that following your radiotherapy you've been left with tissue damage which has impacted the outcome of your reconstruction. It's understandable that this may be upsetting for you and that you'd like to seek possible options for improving things. 

    I know that we have had women post here who have had issues with unsuccessful reconstruction for various reasons. Hopefully, some of them will reply to share their stories with you and offer any words of hope they can. 

    You don't mention in your post if you've spoken with the breast care team about your situation. I'm presuming that this is something you've already done but if not then do get in touch with them. If you'd like to chat things through with one of our team of nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. I'm sure they will be happy to offer any advice and support they can. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator