Hi I'm starting tamoxifen scared stiff does anyone no the difference between anastrazole and tamoxifen and what determines why oncologist gives either as after research it seems anastrazole seems better any help please x
Hi I'm starting tamoxifen scared stiff does anyone no the difference between anastrazole and tamoxifen and what determines why oncologist gives either as after research it seems anastrazole seems better any help please x
Hi laraj,
I can see you've received quite a few replies to your more recent post, which is great and hopefully this has helped.
Do also discuss your question with your doctor/specialist when you can, as it's important that you're as informed as possible.
You are also welcome to give our nurses a call if you would like to talk things through. You can reach them on 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday,9-5).
WIshing you all the best,
Cancer Chat Moderator
thank you for your help
Hi, I got the impression Anastrazole was post menopause and Tamoxifen can be taken pre into post menopause. I'm on Tamoxifen, changed the drug brand of it to Mylan and prefer it.
Tamoxifen isnt as bad as I thought, and I never thought I'd say that. The leaflet list of side effects looks better with the Mylan brand too. Good luck starting it x
thank you so much for reply
do you ask for the Mayan brand or do you just hope the chemist has that brand I have heard a lot of people saying this is the best brand ?