Anal cancer - still having pain after treatment, worried.

Hi I had all my treatments and scans for the cancer had a appointment to say it's gone just waiting for pictures so I can see that it's gone. I have health anxiety just wanted to know will it go and why is it still hurting when I do number two is it because I am still sore inside? Can anyone help me please

  • Hi Lilywhite and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm sorry to hear you're still having pain after finishing your cancer treatment. If you're worried it would be best to discuss your concerns with your doctor or specialist nurse as they are in the best position to answer your questions about this and put your mind at ease.

    Hopefully some of our members who have completed their treatment for anal cancer will share their experiences and advice with you soon but if you'd like to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses, they're just a phone call away on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very friendly, and insightful, and will do all they can to help.

    I hope you won't have to wait too much longer for your scan results to come back and get confirmation that your cancer treatment was a success.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there 

    I hope now that another couple of have passed since this post that you're feeling much better?
    6 weeks have passed now since my treatment ended. I've had an awful recovery including a week long stay in hospital due to such severe radiation burns. I'm much better now thanks to a catheter, which I'm still not ready to have removed, but my bum is incredibly sorry and I think I now have a heamoriod making the healing process even longer. I am as sick as hell   Are any of these feelings and symptoms familiar to you? I hope you're feeling ok. X