After chronic Diarrhea for over a month and a big weightloss hair falling out I went to Docs ,he took bloods and poo test I never gave it another thought until a few days later he rang to say he'd done an urgent referral as CA125 test and Fit test were abnormal when I asked what it meant he said it could be ovarian cancer I started crying immediately and panic set in ,within 2 weeks I had a hysteroscopy and colonoscopy that was the end of September ,they said they'd removed a polyp and done biopsies from both ops so I've been waiting for results (as everyone knows its the worst thing) although they did say from both ops that they didn't see anything nasty but until the results from tests are in you can't be certain so I was dreading it ,then came a call from Docs to say the colonoscopy had shown Diverticulitis hemoroids and a polyp but nothing else relief ,then I got a letter on Saturday to say that from the hysteroscopy the biopsy hadn't been big enough to test but that was because the wall was so thin and the polyp was in fact a fibroid so no malignancy found even bigger relief ,I thought long and hard before putting this up here with so many people with worrying symptoms and results but then I thought it might help someone who is thinking the worst like me ,especially after losing almost 4 stone with diarrhea that wouldn't go away and constant weeing etc and Googling it so I hope it helps someone to go get checked and put your mind at rest ,I'm now in the process of changing my diet and many other things to be as healthy as I possibly can .