Hip pain post breast cancer

Okay, so I'm trying not to get too concerned but actually I am!  After going through this BC journey this year I thought I'd done alright.  It was all Stage 1 low grade and apparently tubular which is good too.  Post mastectomy now 7 months on currently on Tamoxifen.

I can't sleep at night as I have an aching pain deep in my hip.  It can shoot down the leg as well.  Sitting for long periods in the car or a chair it really siezes up and it's very sore after doing a stint of housework.   Really worried this is a BC issue.  I was told my BC was unlikely to spread and that I'd be okay but I remember the consultant saying that sometimes "even Stage 1 can play up".  I'm pretty worried this could be metastatic.  Is that possible?  My logical brain is trying to tell me that it's probably just the Tamoxifen and maybe some arthritis, but I'm pretty worried about it.

My next appointment with the breast clinic isn't until early January next year when I get another mammogram.  I'm not sure whether to discuss this with GP or clinic.  Has anyone else been Stage 1 low grade and gone in to have distant spread?  Thanks


  • If i could offer you some advice, and should you ever need actual physio, it would be to seek out a private physio rather than an NHS physio. In all my 15 years living with back pain, not once has an NHS physio laid a finger on me. They test your reflexes, and send you away with an exercise sheet. I and many others have found them a complete waste of a journey.

    Exercises do have their place, and can help massively, but sometimes you need a little bit of hands on work to get the ball rolling, and to make those exercises more effective.

  • I don't disagree with you there!  Thanks


  • Hi ProfBaw,

    Saw the GP yesterday and predictably he's sending me for an x-ray!  I asked if an MRI would be better in case there are any nerve/soft tissue issues and he said x-ray will be fine and if I'm still having issues he wanted me to see the practice physio.  As you suggested, I'm not sure how useful any of this will be.  I suppose if my bones look okay in the x-ray it will give some reassurance that it's not BC spread!  He said he wouldn't immediately be thinking of that.

    Fingers crossed!


  • A joke, huh? Sadly, all very predictable, too. Right down to the physio comment.

    I was sent for 3 xrays before i got my MRI. All came back swimmingly. So all filed under "nothing to see here". Eventually, one gp did say enough was enough and sent me for an MRI. Surprise, surprise, issue found first time. A disc bulge.

    All you can do is go along with it, and if nothing shows up, which wouldn't surprise me, and nothing improves, all you can do is keep going back.

    Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones that an xray does suffice, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

    About xrays being useless in most cases, it wasn't some google search that told me this, it was my orthopaedic surgeon and neurologist that both stated back issues require an MRI.

    There are something's xrays do show up such as spine curvatures, bony spurs (not cancer related) and all things to do with the bony part of the spine.

  • Hi, hope all good with you.  I had my x-ray results back in a week and it was quite detailed.  It seems there is some mild arthritis issues in my hip but thankfully no sign of BC spread.  
    when my joint pain was at its worst was just before I tested positive for covid, coupled with Tamoxifen joint pain I think that's why I was as stiff as a board and could hardly walk!  Tbf I'm feeling much better and don't get night time pain any more.

    Still would have liked to get the MRI but I'll have to trust the x-ray for now.  It has given me reassurance.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi CazStu,

    I hope you're keeping well.  I had my x ray results back in a week and they show some mild arthritis in the hip.  I had covid as well which was making joint pain worse.  Still would have liked the MRI but I suppose I'll have to get some reassurance from the x-ray.  There was no evidence of BC spread so that's good!  Pain seems to be much better thankfully.  Take care 
