Okay, so I'm trying not to get too concerned but actually I am! After going through this BC journey this year I thought I'd done alright. It was all Stage 1 low grade and apparently tubular which is good too. Post mastectomy now 7 months on currently on Tamoxifen.
I can't sleep at night as I have an aching pain deep in my hip. It can shoot down the leg as well. Sitting for long periods in the car or a chair it really siezes up and it's very sore after doing a stint of housework. Really worried this is a BC issue. I was told my BC was unlikely to spread and that I'd be okay but I remember the consultant saying that sometimes "even Stage 1 can play up". I'm pretty worried this could be metastatic. Is that possible? My logical brain is trying to tell me that it's probably just the Tamoxifen and maybe some arthritis, but I'm pretty worried about it.
My next appointment with the breast clinic isn't until early January next year when I get another mammogram. I'm not sure whether to discuss this with GP or clinic. Has anyone else been Stage 1 low grade and gone in to have distant spread? Thanks