I was diagnosed with HER2 triple positive breast cancer March 2021; I've had chemo surgery and radiotherapy followed by a year taking herceptin- I now take zoldronic acid each day and amrazole tablet daily. My oncologist asked me about taking another tablet as part of the preventive treatment- but turns out it's not that easy it's a years treatment regular heart scans blood tests and the side affects are supposed to be awful - because it's a relatively new drug there's not much to read in terms of its effectiveness- II must sound really ungrateful I'm not it's just I thought after the herceptin I would be 'treatment' free I'm exhausted- the chemo has affected my mobility greatly- I'm just waiting results from my 1st mammogram- my nodes were clear but 3 was removed as precaution- has anyone else taken this neratinib ? I'm so confused physically I'm not sure I can cope - sending love and positive thoughts to all whatever your situation