Scarring with diep flap reconstruction


I wonder if anyone who has had this type of reconstruction can give me advice on the scars that will be on your breasts and abdomen?  Im considering this type of reconstruction post dual mastectomy but the images and information on scarring is a bit inconsistent. 

  • Hello LesleyAnnH,

    You can find information on the types of reconstruction here, including DIEP flap, which I hope will help you feel more informed. I'm sure other members can offer their thoughts and your surgeon and breast cancer nurse are also there to address any concerns.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia 

  • Hello

    i too am considering having Diep reconstruction having looked at various options and that seems the best for me. I have right side masectomy, it has left me scarred with loose skin flaps under arm where I had lymph node removal so that def needs tidying up. It's not pretty I'm hoping to have left breast reduced a bit to match the smaller reconstruction. Have you been to a meet at the hospital? I met 6 ladies who had all had Diep and there breasts looked very good with minimal healed scarring and they were all positive about the whole thing. Absolutely terrified of the op as I was very sick from the anaesthetia after masectomy. It is a long op but I feel it's the last stage of regaining some remedial normality. I'm sure the scarring may take a while to heal but for me the alternative is a lifetime of prosthesis and feeling disfigured. I wish you all the best with whatever you decide. I'm hoping to have the op in Jan/Feb to recover in the worst months but there is a long waiting list so who knows? Stay in touch


  • Thank you so much for that post Silver. It sounds like you've had a really tough time. I was so lucky with a very early diagnosis and just a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. I've now opted for preventative mastectomy and reconstruction as I have a strong family history and a high chance of the cancer returning but I'm fortunate that I can have the mastectomy and reconstruction at the same time. Can I ask how you got to arrange the hospital meeting? Speaking to other ladies who have all had the procedure would be really helpful I'm sure. Good luck with everything and hopefully you won't have to wait too long for your op and to get back to some kind of normality. My sister had a similar situation to you and has always been over the moon with her reconstructed boobs. Take care. 

    Lesley x

  • It was a meet organised by the hospital where I will have the reconstruction. The Consultant I saw organised it so it may be worth speaking to your hospital. I met and looked at 6 ladies who all had had recon so it was a positive experience. Glad to hear your sister is pleased. With her result. We have no history of cancer in our family so it was a shock especially since the mammogram I had the year I was diagnosed didn't show the cancer. . I think I would do the same as you if I did have family history.

    Best wishes hope it all goes well for you


  • Hi there, 

    I had this reconstruction type last December. I think it's fair to say that the scaring on the breast will depend on where they have to access to remove the tumour(s). I had dcis and two tumours lower quadrant and my breast scar is around my nipple (which was removed) and one scar central on the breast out from where my nipple was. To be fair tue breast scars have healed well, especially as I unexpectedly needed radiotherapy afterwards. The tumny scar is almost hip to hip

    and of course I have scarring around my new belly button which looks like a heart shape - aww. Seriously the scaring fades, especially if you use bio oil or the like. 

    I hope that helps. 

    Virtual  hugs 

    Mickey xx ️

  • Thanks again for the advice Silver. The fact that your mammogram didn't reveal anything really just compounds why I've decided on this route. It would be nice to hear how you go on with your surgery and hopefully soon. Xx

  • Thank you Mickey. It's really great to hear other peoples advice and experiences. It sounds like all has gone well for you and  hopefully you are all clear. I had DCIS removed 3 years ago so have a small scar running down from my nipple. As I'm having the surgery to hopefully prevent any further cancer the removal of the tumour thankfully isn't a consideration. I already have an abdominal scar from previous surgery so I'm hoping that doesn't prevent me from moving forward. It's a long process which I'm realising is different for everyone. 

    love the idea of the heart shaped bellybutton

    Take care x

  • Best of luck with it. Happy to answer any questions you may have. 
    Virtual hugs Mickey xx ️

  • Hi Lesley

    Wondered if you have had your operation yet and how you are? 