Hi Everyone,
My dad suffered with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma and was lucky enough to achieve complete remission post R-CHOP and 2 rounds of Methetrexate.
28 months post CR he's having routine blood tests every 6 months. This week all his bloods were looking positive e.g. Lymphocytes were finally back to normal etc which is fantastic. The only result which was a bit off was his LDH level. It was 496 and had risen from 466 over three months. His consultant said this was slightly above the UNL (upper normal limit) of 480 but wasn't a worry at this stage. She said because it's risen slowly over the last few months she'll pop a blood test in for 3 months time but reiterated not to worry...
...of course this has been quite triggering for me and I can't help but get myslef in to a panic. I wondered if anyone knew more about LDH or has had a similar situation?
Many thanks in advance :)