Years gone by it still hurts.

I had cancer when I was 17 I went through operations, millions of tests and 6 months of chemo! I lost my friends, my family. Made me feel unworthy. After all this time it still effects me now I can't trust. I can't let my guard down to be able to make friends. How do you over come this betrayal, feeling you were just not good enough for people ? I beat the beast that it is but left with this continual pain and hurt. 

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat community Roses14 although I'm so sorry you were diagnosed with cancer at such a young age and for the impact it has had on you and your life since then.

    So many of our members know how difficult it can be to work through the very painful feelings and memories that being on a cancer journey can bring so you are not alone and I'm sure you will receive some support and advice from them soon.

    I'm not sure from your post if you have spoken with your GP or anyone else about this but if this is something you've thought about but weren't sure where or how to begin, you can find out more just here.

    You could try and see if there are any cancer support groups in your area as well as I'm sure the attendees will definitely understand what you have been through and will do all they can to help.

    I really do hope you can find a way to trust again Roses14 and that you're able to let people back in to your life soon. 

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator