Coming off Tamoxifen

I have come off tamoxifen after five years - after discussions with my oncologist, it was decided I could stop as there is now evidence that staying on for ten years can cause other issues like clotting and other cancers. It has now been a couple of months and unusually for me, I feel a very low level of depression. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this after coming off. I had no issues while I was taking Tamoxifen. I have thankfully never had any mental health problems in my 58 years so this is alien to me. With no other factors involved, I am starting to think it's withdrawal from Tamoxifen. Anyone else?

  • Hello Ginger11

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with low moods since stopping Tamoxifen. 

    Depression and low mood are known to be side effects of taking Tamoxifen however as with many things research into side effects of stopping the medication is limited. Anecdotally we do know that women have posted here on the forum to say that they have struggled with mood changes after stopping hormone-based medications such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors. 

    It's certainly worth chatting things through with your GP. I'm sure they will be happy to arrange any appropriate tests that may be necessary and discuss with you what can be done to support you through this period of change. 

    I hope that things improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator