Struggling with some side effects of Arimidex. Any tips?

Hi folks, I'm taking  arimidex for the next 5 years, after grade 3 breast cancer, last year.

I'm really struggling  with effects of absolute chills to ringing wet hot flushes.  Anyone having  same problem's and  if so how do you cope? Lack of  sleep due to these is also a problem.

Thanks for any help, much appreciated. 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Jcmay.

    I'm sorry to hear about your situation, dealing with the side effects of cancer drugs can be tough and I hope that other forum members who either have gone through or are experiencing the same will stop by shortly to give you tips on how to cope.

    In the meantime, I thought I might share with you a page from our website that addresses the side effects of cancer drugs and hopefully that can be of some help. There is also this other page with information specifically on Arimidex.

    With best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderation