Wow it's been a long time since I haven't been on this site and I see some of you are still here wow. Most of you may not remember me I had breast cancer and lumpectomy about three years ago with about 12 or 13 limph nodes removed
My cancer was very small it was A1, But my surgeon felt it was better for me to have those limph nodes removed even though they did not have cancer they were reactive to whatever they inject I don't remember the name. Had radiation after surgery, Everything is been well, my mammograms have been normal all my bloodwork have been normal but about a month ago I started having pain on the same breast but on the other side of the surgery, my surgery was on the left breast on the outside right next to my armpit. But now I have pain on the opposite side. Is that something that I should be worried? I just had an ultrasound today but I'm still really worried the pain comes and goes. Has that happened to anybody long time after lumpectomy and radiation because he never hurt before , i'm so scared ladies.
Liliana. Xoxo