Dye hair

Hi everyone

i finished my chemo on 28 dec 2021.how long do I need to wait before can colour it?hair is soft and fluffy even though I have shaved it a few times(hoping it would thicken up) it's come back white not grey or even my natural colour.only 44 and not ready for that just yet.would semi permanent be better or do I just go for it and do permanent or would I be better off waiting 6 months(like most websites say)?any help/info would be great 


  • Stace1997

    Hi Stace1997  ,I can't sleep and have just read your post about dying your hair,as you have not long finished chemotherapy in December 2021,my advice to you would wait. I waited the full 6 monthes, I was a hairdresser and know the effects dying your hair ,it in itself can damage your hair and with all that chemotherapy does to it,I wouldnt risk it. I just wore my wigs when going out,and head wear in doors like turbans,and scarfs and hats ecspecialy made for people who had ,had chemotherapy.  

    My friend on the other hand only waited 3 months, but she went to Holland and Brett's health shop,and asked the staff in thier and they helped her choose a semi permanent dye,that had no peroxide in it.My friends hair was ok using the dye she bought from there. 

    I also know you can get shampoo  to help your hair grow back t quicker and thicker. I bought some from boots the chemist, they have a good selection ,also try amazon .

    I know how devasting losing your hair is,and it not growing back the same colour or texture it used to be. I knew mine would grow back grey/white as I did have to colour it  before,but although I waa warned about the chemotherapy curl,I wasn't prepared for that lol,my air was awful curls sticking out all.ovet the place and it felt and looked frizzy. It's a lot better now, I finished my chemotherapy in December 2020,and my Radiotherapy in March 2021.

    I'm still having health issues ,I've found another lump in same breast, my cancer nurse doesn't think it's  anything to worry about,but said she can't be 100% sure it's not ,plus I have lymphedema in my right arm hand plus trigger thumb in that hand as well. Plus I have an Impingement, and rotator cuff inflammation and arthritis in my right shoulder and I've developed planta facitus  in my left heel.plus I've had a biobsy taken on my vulva on  the 8th December 2021,and it's come back that I have Vin3, pre cancerous cells.My oncologist is writing to my gp and me but is just going to monitor it and see me in clinic in 3  months time , but my gp had said as it was vin3 and not vin 1 or vin 2, she didn't think my gynecologist would just leave it and monitor it. I'm not happy about it being left ,and moniterd hence me not sleeping.

    But I'll talk to my gp as soon as I can and see whst she says as I know she told me there was a cream that the gynecologist coukd have prescribed, and it works on the immune system to strengthen it,and hopefully stop the vin 3.

    But enough of my worries ,I hope I've helped you decode on when to dye your hair. Good luck with evetything, stay safe and well .

  • Hi 

    thank you for the reply.guess I'll have to be abit more patient and wait before colouring again.I'll have a look at the shampoos and give it ago.

    sorry to hear that your not doing so well.i wouldn't be happy if they left the cancer for that long.i would worry it would get out of control and then be to late to do much if anything about it.keep pushing them to get something done as soon as can.wouldn't that be classed as medical negligence on the hospitals part?

    i guess I have been lucky with the chemo and haven't had many issues.caught the cancer early and after all tests and scans,I started chemo after a few months.i have my op coming up in feb so getting bit anxious and only having a lumpectomy and one of my nodes removed.i do worry that it will come back and I constantly check both breast all the time.the gene is in my family but guess I have to try and put all this out of my mind and get on with living!!

    i hope you manage to get your situation sorted soon.take care and good luck with everything 

  • Stace1997

    Hi stace1997

    Thanks for your reply,yes try to be patient it will be worth it in the long run,and yes do try the hair  products . As for me I'm not sleeping again,so just popped on here and saw your reply,uses to get emails before when I got a reply   but didn't  this time. The Vin3 that I have isn't actually cancer,it's  pre cancerous cells,cells that can in time turn cancerous, and that's my worry. I haven't even received the letter yet from my gynecologist, just what I waa told by his admin staff,but I will call my GP tomorrow and speak to the receptionist and explain my Concerns and ssk if my GP can call me at some time ,and so I can disscuss this with her.

    Take care and stsy safe in this crazy covid world.