getting a Mortgage after having breast cancer

Hello , I am desperate not to give up the hope of having my own home again . im tired of renting ,and its very costly ... it would be much cheaper for me to get a Morgage .Surley there must be a way of getting a morgage , ive some savings put aside for the deposit and i could mussle up another amount to use as a down payment or as a gaurentte of monthly payments. Ive just started back to work after finishing treatment for breast cancer . Im finding it very stressful having to move every two years ,and i seriously do think that there should be a better help out there for familys in this situation . can you help me in the right direction , and who to contact to discuss these concerns ,for woman who are single parents trying to bring up a family ,but wanting to secure there children with a concrete place of living . even if there was a MP to put me in touch with to discuss my concerns . mant thanks , and i do hope you can help me .Caroline 

  • Hello Ellis17

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems securing a mortgage following a cancer diagnosis. It's understandable that you're finding it stressful. 

    I don't know if it may be worth you speaking with the Macmillan financial team for some advice about your options. 

    In terms of speaking to an MP to raise awareness, you can find information about your local MP here and they would be a good initial point of contact. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Please speak to Macmillan via the link Jenn has given you. 

    I know several cancer patients, some Stage 3 or 4, who have got a mortgage or re-mortgaged with no problem. It's tested on your ability to pay, not your health. You don't have to reveal your cancer diagnosis unless they ask and then again, it shouldn't affect getting the mortgage if you are in fulltime employment and can pay it. Life insurance though is different so if you don't have life insurance already, don't apply for an interest only mortgage as you won't get any life insurance until you have been free of cancer for at least 5 years.

    Good luck,
