Let go by my employer

Hi everyone I'm looking for a bit of advice.

I was diagnosed in May and had started a new job in March. I have had my lumpectomy with time off from work, even though I worke from home when I could. I also got married and had a week off which the employer knew about when I started. I came back from honeymoon to be told they no longer needed me and my vision wasn't there vision (whatever that means) I know it's due to the time off because if it was work related surely there should have been a discussion between myself and the CEO. 
I am fully prepared to take legal action for unfair dismissal but wanted to ask here first if anyone has had a similar experience?

love to all


  • Hi,

    Please contact Macmillan or the Citizens Advice Bureau - they can gve you advice about your rights regarding cancer & employment. Cancer patients are covered by the Discrimination Act so your employer has to follow certain rules when dealing with an employee under this Act. If you are in a Union, get them involved too. This link should help www.macmillan.org.uk/.../cancer-and-employment-rights


  • Thanks so much Angie. I will do that x

  • Hi Lucy,

    I have experience of being let go from a previous employer where their reasons were completely illegitimate. I seeked advice from an employers tribunal but unfortunately, they informed that you are unable to claim unfair dismissal unless you've been with an employer for 2 years or more. 

    Now with that being said, I'm not sure what the situation is in your case.

    Happy to tell you more if you have any questions or if I might be of use, just drop me a message. 

    It also sounds like they don't deserve you, there's better out there for you. 

    Good luck! 

  • Hi there

    Thanks for your reply and kind words, and I'm sorry you've also been in this situation, as if we dont feel low enough fighting this thing! I have since escalated it to ACAS as a discrimination suit (doesnt matter how long youve worked there), just waiting for the outcome. If I get any compensation a portion of it will go to my incredible breast team at hospital where I was treated.

    I am looking for work still but am going to do something part-time and finish my degree alongside.

    I hope you have found a good outcome to your situation.
