Health Insurance Help - Myeloma

Hi all,

I'm hoping someone can help or know someone that might be able to help.

3 years ago I was diagnosed with a bone/blood cancer Myeloma  & 1 1/2 years ago I had a high does chemo with stem cell transplant, it worked, I'm in remission and now taking mantanance called Thalidomide which is a tablet that is not offered on the NHS. 

My employers health insurance is up for renewal and with current climate & large increase with the policy they might not renew.

Does anyone know of any insurers that cover people on medication for prior illness? 'Medical history Disregard'.

Its going to be extausinate and I doubt ill be able to afford it.

Once my employers have confirmed I will contact current issurance for a quote too.

I think myself very luck that my work offered health insurance at this much needed time.

Hope you can help.


  • Hello KMS63 and a big welcome to our forum! 

    It's always really difficult to make those important insurance choices and as you say you are lucky to have employers who are offering health insurance at a time when you need it the most. 

    There is information on our website on this page on medical insurance and Macmillan have a wealth of information available on insurance and cancer which you can access here.

    Hopefully some of our members will be along shortly to give you more specific advice based on their own experiences dealing with health insurance. 

    Best of luck finding the best insurance for your particular circumstances. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • very interesting post, just some thoughts:

    i dont think you will ever find a new insurer with your history. I may be wrong, no expert here.


    The only way is to continue with the group policy, that policy can change to different  provider/ insurer it does not matter. If there is interest from your emploer.

    You are right every year the employer and insurance company renegotiate the deal looking exactly how much was the drawing/claim last year

    usually they increase contributions if they have to, should be a way to keep it just going!

    I dont know if there is legal requirement to continue as such but there is a moral one definitely!


    Insurance is a business, money makig model not charity. You and your colleagues pay into the group scheme. The insurance company is managing the funds but it is not really their money, it is you and your company who pays into the pot.


  • Hello there i just wanted to step in with a bit of advice from personal experience. If you are looking at taking out PMI then the important thing is to maintain continuity of cover. Either try and continue with the same company but maybe look at a slightly cheaper policy, or maybe an excess. If you go to another company ask them about transferring from another insurer. Depending on the company they usually will accept you on the same terms as as long as you don't have a break in cover. Once you break cover you are then looking at starting again and although you will be able to take out a policy they won't cover you for any pre-existing conditions. There are a couple of companies who cover pre-exiting comditions with a 6 month waiting period but they don't cover cancer, they are really designed for more general surgery.

    Hopefully your employers will continue with their policy but if you decide you want to continue privately, then do make sure you get everything agreed before the policy expires

    Best of luck

  • Thank you Lucie, 

    I will have a look at the link you sent.




  • Thank you.

    I found a broker who confirmed everything I thought. No insurer will take on pre-existing condition on personal bases. Only if a group insurance of over 20 people with they consider 

    Only option is to continue with current provider which will increase quite a bit.

    ONce 5 years have possessed, I can look into other options.


  • Thank you.

    I found a broker how gave a good inside and who confirmed everything I thought. No insurer will take on pre-existing condition as personal bases. Only if a group insurance of over 20 people.

    Only option is to continue with current provider which will increase quite a bit.

    Once 5 years have passed, I can look into other options but thank you for replying.



  • Have you finally find any better options?