I have often read macmillan nurses are wonderful but mine makes me feel a nuisance and I have only spoken to her twice in 2 years. She just seems cold and lacking in human understanding of what we might be going through. 2 years ago I had bladder cancer and have had regular cystoscopy and had just got to the 2 years and thought I had made it and was really shocked to find there were red spots in the bladder that may be more cancer growing. I realise theirs is not an easy job and they have to keep a certain detachment but I do not feel supported by her at all, maybe I am just being over sensitive but then this is a difficult time for me. This is part of my conversation with her. Q Can you let me know the results asap A Yes. I am on holiday next week so you will have to wait until the week after, you can ring me then. Q Can someone else give me the results I really do need to know A Mmmm, you could call my colleague.. Q waiting for the results is the hardest of all A well you will still have to wait for treatment anyway Q I was really upset when I found the cancer may have returned. A Oh! Really! Q I was really shocked yesterday. A Well I told you it could recur! Q What might the treatment be if it is the same as last time A You will have to wait and see Q I read on one of the websites that if the cancer returns and its the same type etc as before then after surgery its normal to have 6 weekly visits to have chemo in the bladder. And I really would like to know what the next procedures might possibly be A You will just have to wait and see Q But is this the usual procedure if the cancer is the same as before A yes