Returning to work


I'm 4 weeks post surgery for breast cancer and have a 6 week sick note. Naively, I thought that I would be returning to work now but I will likely need another sick note instead.

My wound hasn't healed and is still leaking, it's been infected and I'm waiting to hear whether I will need chemo or just radiotherapy. 

I'm overthinking things and stressing myself but I'm wondering how long other people had off work following surgery, so I can prepare myself for the reality? 

I realise that everybody is different so I'm just looking for ball park figures. I will have to go back on light duties which my employers are very happy to accommodate,  but I have no idea how long the recovery takes. My surgeon just says that my recovery is not normal but not unheard of!

Thank you for reading

  • Hello Purplephoenix

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had some problems with your post-operative recovery. I can understand that this is frustrating especially when you had hoped that things might be more straightforward. 

    It's good to hear that your employer is being supportive - it certainly helps when you don't have to worry about work and can concentrate a little more on healing and recovering. 

    It's really difficult to know how long this will all take for you. Talk with your consultant and specialist and nurse and be guided by them. Sometimes it doesn't always help to set goals because when things don't go to plan it can cause us more frustration and anxiety. Try to keep positive and just take things as they come. 

    Hopefully, the team will be able to get on top of the infection before too long and the wound will heal well so that you can continue to move forward. 

    If it would help to chat things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator