Time off for appointment


I was told I have to take leave or work lost hours back to cover time for my hormonal injection appointment. Is this right? I thought under the disability act I'm entitled to time off for appointments even though I'm in remission. I greatly appreciated your advice in advance.


  • Hello Jitka

    I'm sorry to hear that you're still going through treatment for cancer and that you've been struggling with work and taking time to attend appointments. 

    Having previously been diagnosed with cancer you are protected in law from discrimination at work. I'd suggest contacting the Macmillan work advice team as they have specialists in this area who may be better placed to give you answers to your specific circumstances. 

    I hope you can get some clarity soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jitka,

    If you are in a trades union, get them onto your case. 
    If not, MacMillan (as advised by Jenn) would be a good place to start before raising a query with HR as whoever told you this needs educating!

    Good luck!