Good afternoon All,
I have recently been diagnosed with Cancer and i have had to take time off work for the operation and multiple doctors appointments, I have also had complications caused by the surgery which has lead to more time off work including major spine surgery to stop me from being paralyzed from the waist down.
The company i work for have been fantastic and have decided to support me with full pay for the time i have had off, which has been a fantastic support however i have been back to work for three weeks now and the directors keep making comments about the time i have had off.
Even today when i was being penalized for not answer my to other colleagues when i am at work (the reason i don't answer or miss calls is because i am busy all day, i don't ignore anyone on purpose) i stated that the company policy stats that I shouldn't use my personal phone during working hours, so i cant be punished for this... their response was, "where is it in the company policies to pay for you to have time off because of cancer"
the company i work for is very toxic and i want too leave due to the back stabbing, but i am fearful that if i do leave they will want the money back that they've paid me for my treatment.