A Which recommended travel agent is asking me to pay over £1000 for health insurance just because I haven't had a scan or xray since my cancer has spread. This makes no sense because I have recently had clear scans for every part of me except the primary area and one other area just found. I'm on treatment which is controlling both areas and the rest of me is clear. There would be no point in scanning me again when all the scans have just been done. So the reason for charging me so much is nonsensrcal. It doesn't correspond to the way my investigations have been done and no questions were asked about the effective treatment I'm having.
Does anyone know of an insurer who won't make this objection? Has anyone in my situation managed to get cheaper insurance? I can't pay what these insurers are asking so I won't be able to visit my grandchildren abroad. I'd be very glad to hear from anyone who has fund a solution to this problem.