
I have been off work since December and had to have a radical orchidectomy. I have now been told I have to start chemotherapy. I recieve company sick pay which will decrease after 8 weeks but it still isn't enough to cover bills. I'm behind on my car,rent,council tax,gas and can't get help because I'm being punished for working. I have no savings etc. I have an 11 year old son and I'm struggling so bad with everything. The debt is growing and I'm going to end up killing myself 

  • Hi Hamiltonlad,

    I am sorry to hear that you now need chemotherapy, following your recent surgery. Many of us face financial struggles when faced with cancer, but things are never as dire as they seem. You should be eligible for benefits, given your diagnosis (there is no means testing for this). Macmillan will be able to advise you of what to claim for and may be able to help you fill out the necessary forms. They may also be able to advise on what to do to stop your debt from escalating. If you have a Maggies centre nearby, they also offer this service. Please don't even consider suicide. Your son is young enough to still need his dad around for many more years. If you genuinely feel like this, don't hesitate to call the Samaritans on 116 123. This is for Scotland, as I expect that this is where you live, based on your name.   . 

    I battled 2 bouts of breast cancer 14 years ago and know how low we can get with this. However, although life post-cancer is not the same as it was before, I can still vouch for the fact that it is worth holding on to. You'll get through this hiatus, but you need help to do so and the sooner you seek this, the sooner your finances will be back on track.

    I hope that your chemo goes well and gives you many more worthwhile years, without your current financial worries.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Hamiltonlad,

    Jolamine has already given you some great advice, thoughts and signposting on this. I wanted to send an additional reply to reiterate what she said, and to drop in some links. Here is the link to Macmillan, where you can find a number of resources and also their helpline. Here is their specific page on financial support.

    Here is the link to Maggie's, where you can check if you have a nearby support centre.

    As Jolamine mentioned, if ever you feel you're really struggling, please call Samaritans on 116 123. They are available for support or just for a chat, 24/7.

    I also hope this forum can be of some support to you - do use it whenever you feel you'd like to, to write things down and to reach out to others. It is a very understanding and supportive community.

    We are all here for you whenever you need it.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator