Has anyone had a successful Critical illness claim?

Hi I am 38 and have been diagnosed with grade 2 invasive breast cancer of the duct with high grade DCIs, I have put a claim in and the insurers are waiting for my dr and consultant to provide details. I was just wondering the likelihood of the claim being successful and how long it usually takes to hear back? Thank you so much! 

  • Hi, sorry you are going through this. I had stage 1 breast cancer and put in a critical illness claim in September 2023 .By December insurance had paid out. It does take a bit of time for everything to go through , however as your cancer is invasive your claim should be successful xx

  • Hi Caz1981, I am so sorry about your diagnosis, I hope you are being looked after and are kicking this thing in the butt. 

    Thank you so much for replying, its reassuring to know there might be some financial support on the way and you have helped set my expectations with how long it takes. We are in the midst of renovating our house and are very much in a building site so the money will speed that process up and ill hopefully be able to have somewhere to relax when this is all over. Lots of love and well wishes xx

  • Hi, Sorry to hear you have recently been diagnosed. I’m 37 and also have breast cancer and have had two successfully critical illness claims, it takes time and a lot of faf but it’s worth it in the end. To be honest I found the accept on the claims as hard to deal with as the actual diagnosis… I to had renovations going on, it takes alot of pressure off when you can get them completed a lot sooner and will help your recovery with a beautiful house to relax in x

  • It was back in 2004 when i was first diagnosed with breast cancer.  I had only had my critical illness policy for about four months but it paid out straight away. But that was a long time ago now so things may have changed. It was a silver lining though. Since then the cancer returned and I am now dealing with a third and terminal diagnosis. But I've had 20 years of living and maybe a little bit more so I'm not complaining...and boy! Did I enjoy my critical illness pay out!!!

  • I'm 46 and have Invasive ductal carcinoma too. I put my claim in at the start of January and I'm still waiting. My GP has responded but the breast consultant hasn't...I guess she is busy saving lives but I hope she finds time soon. In the meantime, I've become obsessed with checking my NHS app, emails and t&Cs of the insurance! Fingers crossed we hear soon.